Course Information
- Number of Trainees:16
- Launch Year:2013
- Number of Modules:30
- Architects:Gillian & Leandro
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Course Rationale
Following a request to provide a Training of Trainers for POPC staff who would then be required to train large numbers of poll workers, the EDGE Foundation developed and delivered a specifically tailored Training of Trainers course for the POPC. Established in 2003, the POPC is affiliated to the Egyptian Cabinet’s Information and Decision Support Center (IDSC) and is one of the country’s most experienced polling centres, responsible for analysing Egyptian public opinion trends on different social, political and economic affairs.
Course Description
The focus of this highly participatory and interactive course was on sharing content development techniques and methodology using EDGE Foundation and trainee experiences, to provide trainees with supported experience in conducting training for POPC staff and to provide trainees with the opportunity to experiment with and develop new training methods, through a series of supervised training simulations. Adult Learning Styles:
- Facilitation Techniques
- Monitoring Participant Learning
- Course Organisation and Structure
- Practical Training Simulations
What We Did
EDGE designed and developed an interactive and participatory course tailored to the POPC’s needs to enhance its in-house training capacity. Delivered by two experienced EDGE trainers, the course was highly appreciated by an extremely focused, motivated and competent group of participants.