Tool Information
- Number of Users:1K+
- Location:Global
- Number of Missions162
- Launch Year:2013
- Current version:2.1.0
- Architects:Michael & Octavian
Get Max Report
Project Description
MAX Report is a suite of applications for data-gathering purposes. MAX stands for maximising the potential of reports, any report that requires data analysis, to support their conclusions. The first version came to light in 2013, harnessing the experiences of experts that had been working on different digital collection exercises. Since then, it has been used in electoral observation, university research projects, customer satisfaction surveys, migration and refugee registration projects.
Implementation Challenges
The most common challenge in any project, or academic research involving data collection, has always been to combine accuracy and speed. When there is one, the other is generally lacking. Max Report has been created to ensure that data are gathered with the minimal amount of mistakes, efficiently, timely and securely with any sort of device that may be available, from state of the art smartphones to old-fashioned desktops or even hard-copy questionnaires. Once the data is gathered, they can be verified, validated and analysed in real-time, providing the necessary content to the analysts in charge of the task. MAX will:
- Optimise available technology and project resource
- Collect data quickly in challenging environments
- Allow the data collector to verify and double-check the collected information before sending
- Allow for a centralised validation in full transparency
- Provide remote analysts with real-time statistics
- Produce automated reports based on pre-defined queries
What We Did
MAX Report has been already successfully used in more than forty projects, from election observation missions, to university researches, surveys and identity registration projects.